Fingerprints of the Gods?

Look closely to see people in the formation! This is the most elaborate crop circle in recorded history and was 194 circles and over 1,000 feet in diameter!

1698 appears to be the earliest record to date of a genuine crop circle event. A wood carving named "The Mowing Devil" was accompanied by a broadsheet that told the story of a Hertfordshire farmer who had a dispute with a mower on the price for mowing his oats.

In his anger the farmer said that he would rather have the devil himself mow the crops before he would pay such a high cost. That night the farmer and other people witnessed "The devil appearing from the sky in a chariot of fire was seen within the farmers field. And the next day the farmer found his oats had been cut into what we now know today as a genuine crop circle.

After viewing a BBC broadcast on crop circles hosted by crop circle researcher Colin Andrews ( one of the most visible researchers and founder of CPRI ), a british farmer contacted Colin to inform him that the same exact crop circle formation located at Cheesfoot Head that was shown in the BBC program, he had seen in that same field in 1923, 1924 and 1925! And to date many other farmers have come forward with the fact that discoveries of crop circles have been seen for generations.

It appears that the crop circles keep appearing in the same locations and their seems to be some importance to this fact. They are often close to water and the majority of the formations appear within 40 miles of Stonehenge.

And according to Colin Andrews the crop circles are apparently focused on that area which has the highest number of archeological circular formations on the planet, and are within a few centimeters of the same dimensions. Crop circles were also reported in 1946 in Southern England near Sulsbury, and 1966 in Queensland Australia. And appearing consistently in Southern England from 1976 to present.

The yearly evolution of the crop circles has been extremely consistant with increases in complexity, density and size rangeing from 1/2 meters to over 3/4 of a mile !In Japan a crop circle was discovered in a rice patty in 1987. Witnesses and farmers all stated that their were absolutely no tracks leading in or out of the formation.

More Crop info coming soon!

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